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Digital Signage Software

The Second Generation of digital signage has arrived.

Advanced features include:
Basic to Enterprise Level Options
PC, Mac, Linux Admin
Easy to Use Interface
User Rights Control
Multi-Level Scheduling
High Performance Player
Screen Zoning

Digital Signage Success starts here.


Computer Resolutions

Code Name Resolution Aspect Ratio Colors
QQVGA Quarter Quarter Video Graphics Array 160x120 4:3 256
CGA Color Graphics Adaptor 320x200 4:3 16
QVGA Quarter Video Graphics Array 320x240 4:3 256
VGA Video Graphics Array 640x480 4:3 256
SVGA Super Graphics Array 800x600 4:3 16.7 million
XGA Extended Graphics Array 1024x768 4:3 16.7 million
XGA+ Extended Graphics Array Plus 1152x864 4:3 16.7 million
SXGA Super Extended Graphics Array 1280x1024 4:3 16.7 million
SXGA+ Super Extended Graphics Array Plus 1400x1050 4:3 16.7 million
UXGA Ultra Extended Graphics Array 1600x1200 4:3 16.7 million
QXGA Quad Extended Graphics Array 2048x1536 4:3 16.7 million
QSXGA Quad Super Extended Graphics Array 2560x2048 4:3 16.7 million
QUXGA Quad Ultra Extended Graphics Array 3200x2400 4:3 16.7 million
HXGA Hex (adecatuple) Extended Graphics Array 4096x3072 4:3 16.7 million
HSXGA Hex Super Extended Graphics Array 5120x4096 5:4 16.7 million
HUXGA Hex Ultra Extended Graphics Array 6400x4800 4:3 16.7 million

Computer Resolutions - Wide Screen

Code Name Resolution Aspect Ratio Colors
EGA Enhanced Graphics Adaptor 640x350 16:9 16
WXGA Wide Extended Graphics Array 1366x768 16:9 16.7 million
WXGA+ Wide Extended Graphics Array Plus 1440x900 16:9 16.7 million
WSXGA Wide Super Extended Graphics Array 1680x1050 16:10 16.7 million
WSXGA+ Wide Super Extended Graphics Array Plus 1680x1050 16:10 16.7 million
WUXGA Wide Ultra Extended Graphics Array 1920x1200 16:10 16.7 million
WQXGA Wide Quad Extended Graphics Array 2560x1600 16:10 16.7 million
WQSXGA Wide Quad Super Extended Graphics Array 3200x2048 25:16 - 1.56:1 16.7 million
WQUXGA Wide Quad Ultra Extended Graphics Array 3840x2400 16:10 16.7 million
WHXGA Wide Hex Extended Graphics Array 5120x3200 16:10 16.7 million
WHSXGA Wide Hex Super Extended Graphics Array 6400x4096 25:16 - 1.56:1 16.7 million
WHUXGA Wide Hex Ultra Extended Graphics Array 7680x4800 16:10 16.7 million

Video Resolutions

Code Name Resolution Aspect Ratio Colors
Video CD Video Compact Disc 352x240 (NTSC)
352x288 (PAL)
4:3 16.7 million
SVCD Super Video Compact Disc 480x480 (NTSC)
480x576 (PAL)
4:3 (non square pixel) 16.7 million
NTSC National Television Standards Committee 720x480 4:3 16.7 million
PAL Phase Alternating Line 768x576 4:3 16.7 million
DVD Digital Versatile Disc (Digital Video Disc) 720x480 (NTSC)
768x576 (PAL)
4:3 16.7 million
SDTV/480i Standard Definition Television - 480i 640x480
4:3 16.7 million
HDTV/720p HDTV, HD DVD, Blu-ray, 720p 1280x720 16:9 16.7 million
HDTV/1080i/p HDTV, HD DVD, Blu-ray, 1080p, 1080i 1920x1080 16:9 16.7 million

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